The Contessa

Terror of the Bloodbrine Sea, Bane of the Empire, La Conquistadora Roja

Put some respect on her title.She is The Contessa. Just Contessa if you are bold. The Cunt if you're trying to make her angry.


Experienced RPer | NSFW Artist | NovellaShe/they
Queer butch woman of color
Older than 21+
I'm very new to FFXIV, so I will ask questions, especially around lore and historical events. I'm generally very easy going and willing to interact with most people. My Spanish is not perfect, so please correct me if I'm being super inaccurate. I won't be using it extensively, but this character is Spaniard-coded.If you are under 18, please do not interact. This also goes for underage characters. No lolicon/lalafel ERP.OOC =/= IC
Please do not flirt/RP with me out of character. Being playful is fine, but don't be weird. I am on the ace spectrum, so even if we are going to ERP, that is not an invitation to speak sexually to me OOC.
I don't mind ERP-only characters as long as they're well thought out and the scene is compelling or if there is an interesting story. I explore my character studies through smut, so writing engaging prose is very important to me. I don't care if you can't spell everything correctly or have perfect punctuation, but I draw the line at dealing with chatspeak, godmodding, trolling, racism, homophobia/transphobia, permanent character death or injury, or overtly weeaboo characters.Not currently interested in Discord RP. Could in the future, however.Straight men playing queer women looking for lesbian erp need not interact. If you're going to be doing this, I better not be able to tell.Don't interact if you're a futa fetishist. Trans and intersex characters are great, however.Do not spring ERP on me. We will talk and negotiate first to see what the vibes are. I've done this for a long time, so if I think you're not up to par with what I am putting down, please be considerate and take your ERP elsewhere. I don't ERP for a quick fix, I do it because I genuinely love writing porn and leveling up my game. I am, at the forefront, an NSFW artist, so if this bothers you, you are free to ignore me.Most themes are fine with consent and negotiation.If I don't want to RP with you, don't take it personally. If the vibes are rancid, it's a no. Because consent is cool.


🗡Garlean Sailors know of The Contessa's crimes against the Empire. Good luck cashing in on the bounties on her, for many have tried.🗡The Contessa is a frequenter of sex workers and is hugely a voyeur to consenting parties. She will treat you with dignity, unless you beg for her sting. She top/dommes and will almost never sub.🗡Has worked with the fleets of the Maelstrom Navy doing mercenary work, but is rumored to have no true allegiance with them.🗡If you are a wanted criminal with a bounty out on you, The Contessa is always looking for an opportunity for coin and will not hesitate to try and collect.🗡She is looking for a skilled forger to falsify documents for her most recent acquisition, a galleon ship called the Vega Cambria.🗡Her mythos, La Conquistadora Roja, is a pirate queen with the voice of a siren dripping in oxblood red. She is rumored to be sadistic and cruel, having flayed men living and leaving none to tell the tale.Adding more as I think of them, but whisper me if you have any ideas!🗡

The Story

Annaliesa de la Mar, alias The Contessa, is a pirateering, bounty-hunting ne'er-do-well whose legendary name strikes fear into any sensible Garlean sailor. She ran away from her cushy life as a nobleman's mule of a daughter when she was to be married at the fledgling age of 17. She stowed away from boat to boat thieving rations until she was discovered by the surly crew of the Stygian Wyvern.The then-captain adopted the simmering youth and raised her as her very own, instructing her in marine navigation, combat, and crew life. She was tempered into a cutthroat spearhead pointed at the Empire, earning her wiles as a talented combatant that relished in bloodshed.When her mother figure fell in maritime battle, The Contessa took on the don of captain and continued her work. For many years, she pirated the riches of merchant vessels that flew the Garlean Empire colors along the Bloodbrine Sea.Mutiny came for her in the dead of night. The Contessa doesn't remember the details of the day, but when she came to on the beach of Costa del Sol, battered and concussed, she saw the Stygian Wyvern sailing into the horizon without her. Now she drinks herself into a stupor, aimless and whoring as she looks for menial work.

🗡Age 31
🗡6' Tall
🗡Hyur Highlander
🗡Sapphic leaning pansexual
🗡Chaotic Neutral
Cunning | Proud | Welcoming | Non-Forthcoming
Lustful | Calculating | Self-absorbed | Sadistic
She's the smile that unnerves, the silvered tongue that endures. The Contessa wears warmth as a facade, silken syllables cloaking a dagger. She tells the sweetest lies, she sniffs out blood in the water, and plays her bluff lowkey and with ease until she has a winning hand or she is backed into a corner and out on her luck.Here for kinks
Whitelist me on Artemis Roleplaying Kit, she is voiced
Mare on request

At A Glance